Mycli Instead of Mysql on Kali Sana 2.0

So geeks, let me ask you a simple question. Are you bored from mysql’s client ?? no auto-completion, no syntax highlighting. It’s quite frustating. isn’ t it ? So, here i introduce you to Mycli a command line interface for MySQL with auto completion and syntax higlighting.
Installing mycli on linux based system is quite simple.I’m showing the example on kali sana 2.0 but it will work same for all linux distros. So open the kali terminal and add the following lines in terminal as shown in the screenshot attached below.
pip is basically python’s package installer used here to install mycli in your kali sana 2.0
Now after installing mycli in kali sana we need to start mycli. For starting mycli first let’s go through the process of starting mysql in kali sana 2.0 . The command to start mysql is in the screenshot below.
After starting mysql we need to connect our mycli client to this mysql server. so use the following command shown in the screenshot below.
 So as you can see we are now connected to mysql server via mycli client. Now i will show one last screenshot of mycli’s auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
​Guy’s, atleast give it a try. Mycli is awesome.
Find more stuff’s related to mycli here ->
github source code ->

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