Defeating the Hackers (Documentary Film)
Defeating the Hackers is documentary film directed by Kate Dart for
BBC Horizon series. The film explores the hacker community and computer
security through various incidents.
This is a rather unlikely group of scientists, they’re experts in
codes and code-breaking… leading researchers in the baffling world of
quantum physics. They may have built the most advanced computer in the
universe and together they’re taking on one common enemy – hackers. The
greatest threat today to the world is the keyboard.
In the past, it may have been nuclear weapons or weapons of mass
destruction, but today we see that same level of capability being
exercised by lone individuals using keyboards as opposed to bombs.
Now, powerful cyber-weapons are being uncovered. In this murky
world scientists are trying to harness the laws of physics and
mathematics to protect us from the hackers.
Watch the full documentary:
BBC Documentary – Defeating the Hackers