Hackers Use Adf.ly To Deliver a New Tinba Variant

adf.ly malware

If you visit adf.ly links often, there is a huge chance that you are infected with a new variant of Tinba banking malware.

Researchers at security firm Malwarebytes have observed the Timba variant being distributed via the HanJuan Exploit Kit as part of a malvertising attack that involves advertising and URL shortening service Adf.ly.
When a user visits a malvertised Adf.ly link, the HanJuan EK loads and fires Flash Player (CVE-2015-0359) and Internet Explorer (CVE-2014-1776) exploits. Then it drops the banking malware onto users' disk.


"The payload we collected uses several layers of encryption within the binary itself but also in its communications with its Command and Control server. The purpose of this Trojan is information stealing performed by hooking the browser to act as a man-in-the-middle and grab passwords and other sensitive data," said Jerome Segura, senior security researcher at Malwarebytes.

How To Protect Yourself

If you want to protect yourself from malvertising attacks, you should disable Flash Player in web browsers or install Anti-exploit on your computer.

Most important thing is....you must install patches and updates regularly.

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